Case Study - Design & Animation
Design & animation services to help promote People & Transformational HR’s new business reinvention labs.
Business Reinvention Labs:
PTHR reached out to us in the lead-up to the launch of their new Business Reinvention Labs – a 'series of distinct, but related virtual learning simulations that bring new solutions, strategies, and business models to life to build a ‘better world through better business’.
We worked closely with Kyle Prior to design an infographic which clearly communicated their new offering, using an abstract geometric theme to represent each of the individual labs. This approach helped us to establish a style that could be replicated across the entire campaign.
We worked with the team to produce a script and storyboard for a 90-second motion graphic animation. The style was heavily influenced by the artwork we had developed for the above infographic. We recorded a voiceover in-house and, with help from Drew King and Tom Paddon, developed a fluid animation style which helped to communicate the message. PTHR promoted the video across social media channels, directing viewers to their website which provides more information.

“Thanks so much to the team at Fat Panda for their awesome animation skills!
And if you love this video, you’ll love working with the team at Fat Panda. Art, genius and style.”
Perry Timms
Chief Energy Officer, People & Transformational HR

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